Videre awards in visual arts

Coordinated by Manif d’art, the Videre Visual Arts Awards are bestowed annually as part of the Excellence in Arts and Culture Awards ceremony, an event produced and executed by the Quebec and Chaudière-Appalaches Regions Culture Council.

The Videre Emerging Talent Award in Visual Arts

This award is granted to an emerging artist whose recent production distinguished itself from other artistic offerings in the Quebec City region. The recipient of this prize is typically an artist who has accumulated less than 7 years of practice. This award is usually given by the Faculté d’aménagement, d’architecture, d’art et de design de l’Université Laval

The finalists of the 31st edition are:

  • Alissa Bilodeau pour LANDE : Le jardin merveilleux présentée à Place Ste-Foy
  • Olivier Moisan-Dufour pour son exposition Architectures présentée à la galerie Le 36
  • Ezechiel Nadeau pour son exposition Psychidae à L'Oeil de Poisson

The Videre Creation Award in Visual Arts

This award is presented to an artist who has accumulated 7 years of practice or more, whose recent exhibition stood out from the overall artistic programming of the season in the Quebec City region. This award is usually given by the Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins de Québec.


The finalists of the 31st edition are:

  • Annie Charland Thibodeau pour son exposition III (Ce que nous édifions) présentée à L'Œil de Poisson
  • Charles-Frédérick Ouellet pour son œuvre Landfall présentée à La Bande Vidéo
  • Pierre&Marie pour leur exposition rétrospective Des sanctuaires au cœur des brasiers à l’Espace 400e

The Videre Recognition Award

This award is attributed to an artist who has accumulated over 20 years of practice, and who has distinguished themselves for the excellence, originality, and remarkable quality of their work; it honors the career of a local artist. This award is usually presented by the Manif d'art International Fund of Quebec City"


The Videre Recognition Award was presented to Giorgia Volpe in recognition of her entire career.



En plus de reconnaître l’excellence des créateurs en arts visuels de la région de Québec, l’organisme Videre a agi à titre de représentant pour eux auprès des instances gouvernementales et politiques. Il a également organisé des journées portes ouvertes dans des ateliers d’artistes. Depuis leur création, les Prix Videre en arts visuels sont dans le cadre de la cérémonie des Prix d’excellence des arts et de la culture organisée par le Conseil de la culture des régions de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches. Ils représentent une distinction reconnue et importante pour les artistes en arts visuels de la région de Québec.

About visual arts

The definition of visual arts, as understood and used by Manif d’art and the Prix Videre en arts visuels jury, is taken from the Regroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec (RAAV) website:

“In An Act Respecting the Professional Status of Artists in the Visual Arts, Arts and Crafts and Literature, and Their Contracts with Promoters, the visual arts are defined as: “the production of original works of research or expression, which are unique or in limited copies and are conveyed by painting, sculpture, engraving, drawing, illustration, photography, textile arts, installation work, performance, art video or any other form of expression of the same nature.” The visual arts involve essentially objects perceived by the viewer’s eye, from the traditional visual arts to different forms of contemporary art such as photography, video art, and digital art.”


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